Bad Ignition Coil: Signs, Causes, and Diagnosis

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A bad ignition coil can lead to various issues with your vehicle’s engine performance. Ignition coils are like mini transformers in your vehicle’s ignition system.

They convert the low voltage from your car battery into a much higher voltage that helps ignite the fuel and start the engine.

And like any other electrical parts, they can be faulty too. But how do you identify the faulty ones?

This article covers common signs, causes, and diagnosis of a faulty ignition coil. You will also find out the precautionary measures you can take to prevent them from going bad.

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Signs Of a Faulty Ignition Coil


One of the most noticeable signs of a faulty ignition coil is engine misfires. You may feel a sudden loss of power or a jerking sensation when driving, especially under acceleration.


Rough Idling:

The engine may run unevenly or roughly when idling, which can lead to vibrations and a noticeable decrease in smoothness.

Difficulty Starting:

A faulty ignition coil can make it harder for your vehicle engine to start, and you might experience extended cranking times before the engine starts.

Decreased Fuel Efficiency:

Misfires caused by a faulty ignition coil can lead to poor fuel combustion, resulting in decreased fuel efficiency and potentially reduced gas mileage.

Engine Stalling:

In some cases, a faulty ignition system can cause the engine to stall while driving or idling, creating a potentially dangerous situation.

Check Engine Light:

A bad ignition coil can cause the check engine light to appear on your dashboard. You can use a diagnostic scanner to retrieve the trouble codes, which may indicate specific ignition-related issues.

Unusual Engine Sounds:

A faulty coil can cause a strange noises like backfires, popping sounds, or even loud engine knocking, especially during acceleration.

Increased Emissions:

If the engine is not running efficiently due to ignition problems, it may produce higher levels of exhaust emissions, which can lead to environmental concerns and potentially failed emissions tests.

Exhaust Odor:

A faulty ignition coil can cause unburned fuel to enter the exhaust system, leading to a noticeable fuel odor from the exhaust pipe.

Loss of Power:

Your vehicle may experience a noticeable loss of power and overall performance when one or more ignition coils are failing.

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Causes Of Ignition Coil Failure

An ignition coil can fail for various reasons, and the exact cause of ignition coil failure can vary depending on the type of coil (traditional coil or coil-on-plug).

Here are some common causes of ignition coil failure:

Tear and Wear:

Over time, ignition coils can degrade due to normal wear and tear. The coil’s internal insulation and windings may deteriorate, leading to reduced performance or failure.


Excessive heat can cause the insulation around the coil windings to break down, leading to coil failure. High under hood temperatures, engine overheating, or inadequate cooling can contribute to this issue.

Electrical Overload:

An electrical overload, often caused by faulty spark plugs, spark plug wires, or other components in the ignition system, can put extra stress on the coil and lead to its failure.

Corrosion and Moisture:

Exposure to moisture and corrosive elements can damage the coil’s connections and internal components. This is more common in older vehicles or those driven in harsh environmental conditions.

Voltage Spikes:

Voltage spikes can occur due to various electrical issues, such as a malfunctioning alternator or voltage regulator. These spikes can damage the coil and other electrical components in the vehicle.

Manufacturing Defects:

In some cases, ignition coils may have manufacturing defects that lead to premature failure. This can be a rare occurrence but is still possible.

Excessive Engine Vibrations:

Excessive engine vibrations can weaken the coil’s internal connections over time, leading to its failure. This is more common in high-mileage or poorly maintained vehicles.

Physical Damage:

Accidental damage, such as impacts or rough handling during maintenance or installation, can physically damage the coil and render it non-functional.

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How to Diagnose a Faulty Ignition Coil

If you are unsure about the car parts, it is best to leave the job to a mechanic. Some ignition coil setups are more complicated to diagnose than a single ignition coil or coil-on-plug setup, so you should let a mechanic handle them.

That said, you can follow these steps on how to do swap test to identify a bad ignition system on an engine with coil-on-plugs:

  1. Plug in an OBD-II scanner in your vehicle’s OBD2 port.
  1. Confirm that the error code is related to the ignition coil. If yes, turn off your vehicle and allow your engine to cool down.
  1. Carefully remove the ignition coil from the cylinder displayed in the error code and swap it with a coil from any other cylinder.
  1. Start the engine and pay attention to the error codes.
  1. If the code displays an error, indicating a misfire in the new cylinder and no misfire in the previous cylinder. It means that your ignition system is faulty and requires replacement.


It is important to address ignition system problems promptly because they can lead to further engine damage.

If you suspect a faulty coil, it is recommended to have your vehicle inspected and diagnosed by a qualified mechanic. Find out the issue and replace the faulty coil if necessary.

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